Many years ago, when my spirit began to loudly (and painfully) stir, my inner voice kept repeating the words, “Remember who you are”, over and over again. But I thought I knew who I was. I would tell myself, “I am Lynn”. I am a mother, a wife, a person who likes to read and write, exercise and be out in nature. I knew I was caring and would go out of my way for anyone who needed me. I loved my sons more than anything in the world and all I wanted was to make them happy. So why wasn’t I happy? Why was there something inside of me that felt like I was constantly being pulled down? And this pulling down sensation made me feel like I was incapable of true happiness and lightness.
I realize now that I was not being pulled down. I was being pulled IN! And when I went with the flow of this, what I discovered about myself opened my mind, heart and perceptions enormously!
What I encountered by taking the journey IN was that we are so much more than what our physical senses tell us that we are. In fact, relying only on our physical senses will dramatically short change your experience in this life. What I came to know is that, in truth, I am a Force. I am/We are each a powerful consciousness entirely capable of creating an amazing life that uplifts this planet and its inhabitants. Our powers of awareness are limitless and if we use this remarkable power, we will not only discover who we really are, we will gain access to the responsive, intelligent, ingenious, fascinating and vast field of consciousness that we all have entry to.
Why would you want to discover and explore this invisible life force existing behind and throughout the physical reality? My answer would be…because it is life changing! And how do I know this? I know this because once I became aware of its presence and began interacting with It, my entire encounter with reality shifted was blown wide open!
This is how it all began.
My awakening started with a painful herniated disc, severe anxiety and constant panic attacks. That was twenty years ago. I made a decision at that time. The decision was that I was going to heal myself from the inside out. In fact, I had a knowing that there was already a part of me existing in a state of total well- being and I wanted to access that. At the time, I knew very little about yoga or meditation. I was a dabbler in journaling but certainly did not have any kind of consistent practice. I honestly don’t even know where this absolute resolve came from to heal without medicines, but it was there. I wanted to overcome the mental and physical pain I was in. I had little trust in modern medicine to do any more than treat the symptoms.
It felt like there was an energy that wanted to be heard and expressed within me and it was knocking loudly on my door. I sat down with my journal, beginning with the words, “Good Morning God”, and began pouring out my heart onto the pages. After I wrote, I listened or tuned in to what “God” wanted me to know and scribed what I heard or perceived.
Long story made short, through journaling, meditation and yoga, my life completely transformed and so did I. My world was rocked and turned inside out and upside down, but really was made magnificently right!
I am so in love with what most people would call the Invisible, but for me, the reality that opened up to me through these inner driven practices, expanded my awareness, transformed my entire belief system, linked me to greater truths and heightened my awareness to the piercingly intelligent, highly creative and beautiful evolutionary energies of love and goodness that pour into us every day. And as I opened up to It, It opened up more and more to me! My life has been put on a path that brings me great joy, even though there are still challenges put in front of me.
Although, I continue to follow the inner driven path myself, I now teach yoga and meditation in conjunction with my coaching and training business. My mission is to assist in bringing a higher consciousness onto the planet by exploring and discovering all that is available to us through our boundless connection to the “Invisible” which transforms the visible. By helping others to open up to their own inner senses, they too can perceive a much greater frequency range of reality. Discovering who we really are and what we are actually capable of makes life full of exciting possibilities!
I have a completely unique way of teaching meditation, as through my own journey, I realized that much of what we have been told about meditation limits a person’s experience of what is actually available through this awesome, and sometimes wonderfully mind-blowing, life generating practice.
I did not know 20 years ago where this journey would lead. At the time, I simply wanted to feel better. Now the entire context I live in has altered. I have broken through into something so profoundly beautiful, so overpoweringly filled with goodness, and so acutely, precisely knowing that all BS falls away in Its presence. This Aliveness that is available to all of us is fierce, yet gentle. Uncompromising, yet patient while we discover and explore It. It is the Stillness meditators seek. It is the Love that Christians call God/Christ. It is the Life Force that the Shamans know inhabits us all. It holds the Infinite Intelligence and Creative Forces available to everyone. And it is way beyond all of these explanations. And so are you! Let’s do some inner dimensional journeying together and physicalize this Exquisite Consciousness here on Earth!
My clients include corporate executives, individuals, yoga studios, rehab centers, and those with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, addiction and eating disorders who are interested in exploring beyond their current limits. Everyone can benefit from taking the journey to a more expansive state of awareness and possibility. After all, we are not individuals or a society with problems to solve, we are a collective of mesmerizing, brilliant beings with contributions to make!
Call me at 215-480-1234 for more information on my speaking and training programs!